Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Just google it if you don't believe me!

One in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetime, according to the most recent American Cancer Society statistics.

If you're like me - you think you're the other one - the "lucky" one who won't. And so you go along in a fog when it comes to your health and the environment we're living in now. For me, ignorance was bliss - but it caught up with me. It will catch up with a lot (about half!) of you too.

Why? Why does it seem you know more and more people with cancer? Why is cancer the number one disease killing our children? Why are the rates rapidly increasing and there is still no cure?

The more research I've been led to do because of my diagnosis, the more I'm learning why this is happening. 

It's because of two basic reasons: we live in an extremely toxic world, and we don't fuel our bodies properly to be able to resist the toxins that are entering us every minute of every day. 

If you're like I was, you may be clueless regarding this toxicity. But our food czars - the ones designated to protect our food supply - actually allow big chemical companies to put RoundUp in the seeds that grow our crops so that the crops can be sprayed without being damaged. Our Congress debates whether or not pizza is a vegetable so that it can be part of the school lunch program. Our wheat is totally destroyed because of cross breeding to find a better, more efficient product than the one God originally designed. (Wonder why there is so much gluten intolerance these days?) Genetically modified foods are more and more abundant, and 70 to 90% of the stuff in our grocery stores is processed food, i.e. food not in its natural state.

And speaking of natural --- beware of foods labelled "natural." Did you know that the liquid from the anal gland of a beaver - called castoreum - is often used to create a "natural" raspberry and vanilla flavoring in foods and beverages! That's right...check that "vanilla" ice cream in your freezer. (Of course, Roger's first question is who in the world even thought of checking out the liquid from the anal gland of a beaver!) If you don't believe it, just google the word castoreum!

 I could go on and on, but I won't. We need to wake up!

Okay - so that's the stuff that maybe you can't do a lot about you think. So, what can you do? 

Look at what you are putting into your body. 

I have told lots of curious friends who are trying to "do better" because of what has happened to me that most of the gurus I have listened to say that we could make two big changes in our diets that would greatly reduce our chance of getting chronic disease. Read that again ---- not just reduce your risk of cancer, but reduce your risk of chronic disease!

Those two changes are: eliminate sugar from your diet and eliminate processed foods.

That's right; you don't have to be as radical as I'm having to be right now if you don't have a chronic disease. Shop the outside of the grocery store. Eat more clean - organic if possible - fruits and vegetables. Eat grass-fed meat or at least meat that hasn't been injected with hormones. 

Okay - so enough of my preaching for today. I said I was going to share this journey for the benefit of others, and that's what I'm attempting to do here. I don't want to preach, but if it helps make you more aware and a little more careful about what you're doing - then that's a good thing! 

Stay tuned. Who knows what I'll share next?!

And for those of you who haven't seen me in a while - I'm still doing great. Thanks for all the continued prayers. I couldn't do this in my own strength.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

I love you, O Lord, my strength!

1 comment:

  1. You are a wealth of information. It angers me to think we have all been guinea pigs for the sake of someone's greed and desire for more money. It is a true travesty. I have no doubt GMO and toxic chemicals are at the root of so many illnesses in this country. Humans are not designed to tolerate such madness. We are a captive audience as it takes work and time to understand what is happening to us. I encourage you to continue to write about this nightmare in which we find ourselves. I am glad to hear you are doing well and continue to be optimistic and fight through this dark night with God's help. You are a true inspiration, filled with love and grace and the light of God. I pray for your continued healing. You are an inspiration to us all. We love you, Dawn! Love, Jan and Mike.
