Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Divine Wake Up Call!

I've been listening to an Integrated Health Systems Summit this past week titled "The Cure to Cancer." It has been enlightening and discouraging.

Enlightening because there are literally thousands of people around the world - including conventionally trained medical doctors - healing cancer using natural methods.

Discouraging in that the general public thinks we're all kooks!

My friend Kathy Hardin, who got me on this path, introduced me to a website that convinced me that this non-traditional way of healing was for me. She steered me to www.chrisbeatcancer.com. I would HIGHLY recommend that anyone with a cancer diagnosis go to this site. It is full of information from a consumer who isn't trying to sell anyone anything who healed himself ten years ago from stage IV colon cancer! The site is full of testimonials from people around the world who have  healed naturally. 

Chris Wark - of chrisbeatcancer.com - was interviewed this week during the summit and he said "Cancer is a Divine wake up call."

I have really pondered that a lot lately and have come to agree that it is. Most of us do not take care of ourselves. We don't get enough rest; we worry and stress; we don't exercise; and we don't properly fuel our bodies. Then we get sick and wonder why. Hence, the poster accompanying this blog. 

There is a God-given law of nature called reaping and sowing. If you plant corn, you're not going to reap green beans. We know that, but for some reason when it comes to our health we feel immune to the law --- sort of like we were in our 20s when we hadn't abused our bodies quite as much and we had an ample supply of enzymes and good cells and our liver and stomach weren't worn out from processing junk and everything seemed to be functioning well. 

For me, cancer has been a Divine wake up call. I wasn't taking care of myself, and I admit it. Since I turned my life around and started eating right and doing some exercising and letting go of the stress, I am re-vitalized! Really, I have a cancerous tumor in my body, and I have never felt better!

Cancer is a symptom - not a disease. It is a symptom that you have let your immune system get out of whack. We are fearfully and wonderfully made; our bodies are designed to heal themselves when properly maintained. And, I am healing!

We travelled to Alabama yesterday to see Dr. Rawdon. It's been 90 days since I started his protocol of eating raw, juicing and taking supplements. He was extremely pleased with my results. All my blood work is within normal ranges! Yay! There were a couple of items he wanted a little higher - like my Vitamin D level - but that was it. So, I'm scheduled to go back in 90 days for a follow up and then we'll look at doing a scan. 

In addition to a few tweaks in what I'm doing, he also said I could go from 100% raw to 90%. Yay! That means I can have a few cooked veggies now without feeling guilty.

So, I'm continuing on this path and praying that as I go I can share my testimony with others who may have a cancer diagnosis. Cancer is not to be feared; it is a call to change. Message me if you want to talk about it. And, thank you prayer warriors for all your faithful prayers. This has taken a lot of strength and I know that it is His strength working in me to do His good will!

I love you, O Lord, my strength!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Got Juice?

It's been a month since I've blogged, and several of you have asked how I'm doing and when I'm going to the doctor and am I still eating all raw and getting tired of it! 

So here's an update.

I'm doing great. I'm still jumping about 10 minutes every morning on the trampoline. I have a Mandisa play list that gets me pumped up and going strong. 

I'm still juicing every day and am continuing to turn orange in the process!

Yes - I'm still eating raw which means uncooked fruits and vegetables. Yes - I do get tired of it and yes I have cheated a few times. But - cheating for me is to bake a potato and eat it plain - or at least with "nutritional yeast" and no butter, etc. Or a few bites of baked organic black beans. I think I just crave a little something warm. But I have a basic eating routine down now. Breakfast is a fruit smoothie. Lunch is a big salad. And dinner is my homemade, dehydrated onion bread with avocado, tomato and sprouts. After drinking all that juice in addition to these meals, I'm rarely hungry for a snack. And, of course, I do still have my $6.99 raw chocolate candy bars!

I'm having blood work done this coming Monday and will go back to see the naturopath in Alabama on Monday, 9/15. I guess we'll know more about how I'm doing after that. 

In the meantime, I'm back to doing a little volunteer work and helping plan the annual CWJC Madison fundraiser. The event will be Thursday, September 18 from 6:30 to 8:00 in the gym at Madison Church of Christ. If you haven't been invited and want to come, let me know. I promise it will be a fun and uplifting evening. I'm always inspired by the stories of the women and men who have worked so hard to get their GED and am always thankful that I've gotten an opportunity to play a part in their transformation.