Friday, November 7, 2014

Learning to be Content!

When I first visited my naturopath, Larry Rawden, one of the many things he checked was my cortisol level - an indication of my level of stress. It was extremely high and he talked to me about the things I thought might be causing it - something my oncologist never even looked at let alone discussed with me. 

I have since learned how important this level is because a high cortisol level means your body is constantly in fight or flight mode and you never really rest. It wears your body down and harms your immune system. 

So one of the things Dr. Rawden "prescribed" for me was memorizing scripture. He told me to learn it and review it and say it out loud every day. The scriptures were Joshua 1:8-9 and Philippians 4:6-13. 

I've tried to memorize scripture before and I know a few very short passages and where to find them - but I'm not very good at retaining them for long. And the trouble with memorizing them and then saying them out loud is that you start listening to what you're saying. Hmmmm.

The Joshua scripture is great. It ends with the promise that God will be with you wherever you go. That one is a source of comfort. But the Philippians scripture is full of things that I need to practice - not just say out loud.

Things like being anxious for nothing, dwelling only on things that are true and learning to be content in ALL circumstances. It kills me that I think I've got it bad and Paul is sitting in prison chained to a Roman guard and writing stuff like this! If he can learn contentment - surely I can.

Yet, I'm still struggling. I don't want any of you to think that I am some big, strong, super hero. I'm not. I'm still a work in progress. Since my last post, I have continued to stick to my diet - my exercise - my juicing - and my other healing regimens, but I haven't always done it with the attitude I wish I had. Obviously, I haven't learned contentment!

I think there is a great message in how Paul worded this statement. Contentment isn't a feeling you have, it is something you learn. It's easy when life is good and things are going your way. But when circumstances aren't what you wish they were - you are still content. That is so hard.

But I would be remiss if I didn't quote the verse that immediately follows contentment. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

That is the secret. When I try to do all this in my strength, I invariably fail. When I remind myself that I am a child of God and have His Spirit in me - a spirit of love, power and self-control - I know that I can do all things through Him!

That's why, "I love you, O Lord, my strength."